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Fitness — t1d

Dominating Type 1 Diabetes with a Low Carb, High Fat (LCHF) Diet!

diabetes high fat LCHF low carb protein t1d type 1

A new year, a new focus. My journey beginning a Low Carb, High Fat (LCHF) Diet and its effect on Type 1 Diabetes. Hey WARRIORS! Before we begin, I want to warn you…I am not a writer! But I want to share my experiences, good and bad, and I begin implementing the Low Carb/High Fat (LCHF) Diet.  I am very excited to see how this diet will affect my management of Type 1 Diabetes. My most recent A1C was 6.8 on December 10, 2015.  I really want to get into the low 6s or even the upper 5s…a stretch,  I...

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Is BMI an Important Measurement?

bmi diabetes fitness t1d type 1

Men's Fitness wrote a great article examining the importance of BMI as a true measurement of health.  According to a recent article in Mother Jones.....maybe it isn't!  The bottom line is...focus on getting active, not your BMI! Kit Fox of Men's Fitness writes: As far as numbers go, this one carries a lot of weight.  Doctors, healthcare providers, and personal trainers emphasize body mass index (BMI) for a myriad of reasons, from personal weight loss aspirations to insurance premiums. Think you’re fit, fat, overweight, or obese? Find out with a simple number, a number it turns out is based on a equation...

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